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Select events highlighting our upcoming quarterly offerings. Please review the Calendar section to view our monthly events.

Pictured are the church and preschool volunteers as part of our annual Spaghetti Dinner.

Saturday, January 25th

Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser

The annual Spagheƫti Dinner is the preschool's major fundraiser for the school year.


Bring your families, neighbors, etc. and fill up on all‐you‐can eat spagheƫti and meatballs, salad, bread, and dessert in our “restaurant” down in the Fellow‐ship Hall. 

Please complete the form in the newsletter and hand the form and payment to Diane. You may also call the office 610-965-3265 x 1 for reservations.


Wednesdays at 10 am

Adult Bible Study

Join us on Wednesday mornings for Bible Study. We meet in the Fellowship Hall at 10:00 am each week. 

Tuesdays at 10 am or at 7 pm.

Ladies Bible Study

Join us on Tuesdays either at 10 am or at 7 pm. We meet in the Fellowship Hall.

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