If theology is the lifeblood of the church, then certainly the music at Concordia would be its heartbeat. Our hymns, chants, liturgy, and anthems take the message of Jesus to the listening ear and remind us again that God loves us in Jesus, and He is on our side.
For the last 25 years, Concordia has been blessed with willing volunteers to lead and participate in our music ministry. You may reach us to find more about a particular music group by contacting us to ask a question, or express an interest in joining us. We look forward to hearing from you!
Started as VERY volunteer organization in the early 1990's, Concordia's Senior Choir is open to anyone of any musical ability 7th Grade or older. The choir rehearses at 7 pm Wednesday evenings from mid-August through mid-June, and sings almost every Sunday at both services. During the Lent and Advent seasons, the choir rehearses after the Vesper services for about an hour and a half.
Due to the volunteer nature of both the choir and, until recently, the classification of the church, robes are not worn. Participants are welcome to sit with their families until it is time to sing.
While the choir does sing at both services, the placement of the choir in the 10:45 service is usually arranged so that the choir may leave before the sermon. Additionally, not all choir members choose to sing at every service. It is OK to sing at only one service or the other, as your schedule allows.
There are a few times during the year, especially during the Festival services such as Reformation, Christmas Eve, Transfiguration, Palm Sunday and Easter where the choir is asked to stay for the duration of both services.
No musical training is required to sing with the Senior Choir. All we ask is that you like to sing, we will teach you everything you need to know. so you can praise God with us!

Concordia has many opportunities for those who play musical instruments. Talk to the Music Director if you are interested in playing a Prelude, Postlude, Offertory, or hymn accompaniment at one of our worship services. Concordia does not use a praise band format for the Divine Liturgy, but solos and small groups are welcome.
Our in-house brass group plays for Easter and Reformation, and guitarists and woodwinds play frequently throughout the year. Those with piano skills are also welcome to contribute musically to the service and speak with the Organist to arrange a time to play.