The Sunday Bible class is led by Pastor Vinovskis and covers issues from current events to more in-depth study of the bible.
During the week there is a Bible Class for spiritual growth and devotion on Wednsday mornings from 10:00 to 11:30 am. At various times, special classes are offered with a focus on family issues, parenting and the like.
The Fellowship Ministry build's Christ's family through social activities that strengthen family ties, nurture relationships and promotes companionship among members of the congregation. Through food, fun and activities we build sharing and caring relationships with fellows Christians. All activities are Christ-centered and oriented toward Christian values.
Each week we gather for refreshments and fellowship following the early worship service and before the Sunday School hour.
Concordia offers a wide variety of activities and events to socialize with other Christian members throughout the year. All activities are mean to build our church community and to give honor and glory to God. Check the church calendar for dates and times.
Sunday Fellowship, Lent & Advent dinners, Family fun events such as the Chili Cook-off, Weekday luncheons at local restaurants, Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper, Pie Festival, Iron Pigs Baseball Game, Wine and Cheese Social, Trips to shows and events.